Maps: Find stuff near me!
Recyclopedia.sg does not maintain map info on this site. There are too many different service providers to keep up with and unfortunately we do not have access to the info to keep such maps up to date!
Alas most service providers do not publish their info through machine readable APIs making collation of mapping info difficult if not impossible.
We do, however, link to maps by these service providers.
Maps to the most popular bins and service providers are linked below.
Click through to these listings to see their respective map links under Location:
- Cloop Life Lin Bins
- Places that want your bags!
- 2nd Hand Clothing Stores
- Alba 3-in-1 e-Waste Bins
- Batteries and Bulbs Bins
- Sports Shoe Bins
- Metalo Non-regulated e-waste bins
- KGS Non-Regulated e-Waste Bins
- Kloth Cares Bins Singapore
- Red Packet Recycling Bins
- SG Recycle Machine for Paper
- Recycle-n-Save Reverse Vending Machines
- Cash for Trash
Last Updated: Jul 20, 2023