Hello, neighbours!

Recyclopedia is a Singapore-based ground-up initiative started in 2021 by a group of volunteers who wanted to make it easy to find answers to common questions about unwanted items. 

More than just recycling

Our goal is to go beyond basic instructions on “recycling right” to providing a good, easily accessible, and comprehensive database on how to reduce your “waste karma” in Singapore.

What is waste karma? It's that burden you feel when you have discarded something that still has value. It is that sense you have wasted a resource that could have been put to better use.

Recommendations are based on our local context

Such as

  • the Singapore waste management system (which incinerates waste), 
  • the Singapore recycling system (which has very limited domestic capability and much of our recycables are exports thus making them vulnerable to the ups and downs of world markets), 
  • our knowledge of local Singapore businesses, projects, NGOs and other volunteer initiatives involved in zero waste activities

Better and broader options

Because our focus is giving users advice on best practice,  from time to time our recommendations may differ from the official information on what to put into the blue recycling bins - meaning that, in our opinion, there are often options which are better than just throwing items in your loved and trusty recycle bin. Likewise we sometimes disagree with blue bin guidelines based on industry info of what can be recycled or is recycled in practice.

Built by the community

Our info is kept up to date by input from the community… including you! Do share your recommendations and corrections here.

And if you are keen to join discussions on the Zero Waste lifestyle, join our Facebook groups where tips are shared: Journey to Zero Waste Life in Singapore FB Group

Support Us

If you would like to volunteer with Recyclopedia, see here.

Recyclopedia is self-funded. We would gladly welcome financial sponsorship that does not present any conflicts of interest. If you're interested in supporting us financially, please reach out to us here.


Important: We don't operate bins or do collections!

We are purely a reference website. We do not do collections or operate bins. We are not Cloop and do not do textile recycling.

We will not reply to emails asking us to collect stuff or asking for drop-off info. So if y'all could stop sending such inquiries it would be great. Thanks.

Contact Us

Spotted outdated information, or have suggestions for improvements?
Contact us via our feedback form.

Please note that we do not provide recycling or collection services.
Recyclopedia.sg is a reference website.

For direct enquiries: hello@recyclopedia.sg

Be part of the project

If you are passionate about zero waste and would like to contribute,
drop us a line at hello@recyclopedia.sg

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