Non-rechargeable Batteries
Blue Bins & Chutes
Other Recycling
eWaste Recycle
Household batteries including coin-sized batteries are accepted in battery bins, available at most large grocery stores, as well as the 3-in-1 e-waste bins found in many large electronics stores.
Leaking Batteries
You can still put leaking batteries in the battery bins but please put them in a sealed plastic bag first.
To reduce the risk of short-circuits and creation of fire hazard, please tape the ends or wires of rechargeable batteries and seal any leaking batteries in leak-proof container/bag before recycling them.
Note: alkaline batteries are currently collected but not recycled. There is no way to recycle such batteries in Singapore. As of June 2021, Alba has said they are "exploring options" and will stockpile these batteries until it is possible to recycle them.
Batteries and Bulbs Bins
3-in-1 e-Waste Bins
E-Waste Collection Events (E-Drives)
Info & Insights
The most common non-rechargeable household batteries are AAA, AA, C, D and 9V alkaline batteries as well as button-cell batteries.